Sex and the City 2 was released on DVD this week. I got my copy today, and boy I'm feeling let down.
It's one of those nights where I am struggling to get any kind of work done. My novel is suffering, and so am I.
Last year, I decided to do what any woman in my position who is a SATC devotee would do; I started dating again and wrote about it.
I'm still single. Nothing other then a few great catchy blog posts came of it.
This year, being sick and tired of it all, I started to work with Life Coaches and I said I would not date again till my soulmate came into my life. I have not been on a date in a year. A full turn of the seasons. I'm going out of my mind.
Did I mention I stopped drinking too.
So on this random Friday night when I am home alone, I decided to watch not just SATC2, but season 5 of the show as well. One of my favourite episodes is "Cover Girl" where Carrie gets her book deal and is trying to create the right look for the jacket art.
So here I am rambling on about nothing of importance on an average Friday night, avoiding doing any kind of work.
And in true Carrie Bradshaw fashion, I had to ask... Are we who we think we are or just an echo of what others think we are?