A very loud bang at my window had me shaking, my phone buzzing a few seconds later with a message from my cousin Walsh. I let him in the building just as the one really hot maintenance guy was walking in. The look maintenance guy gave him was interesting to say the lest. Walsh was waiting for my aunt who was at the dentist few buildings away.
Me-:"You've got to stop doing that. Scared me, thought someone had broken the window."
Walsh-:"Sorry. You excited about your trip?"
Me-:"What trip?"
Walsh-:"I thought you were going to Las Vegas?"
Me-:"That's not till like next summer. Few of the girls from the occult store are going like in July next year. I've still haven't decided."
Walsh-:"So you're not going anywhere in October? Cause your mom was over for dinner the other night and said you were talking about going away next month?"
Me-:"Marie and one of her friends are going to some fan thingie in Minneapolis. They've been bugging for me to join, make it a girls weekend."
He started looking through the kitchen for something before grabbing the kettle and filling it.
Walsh-:"You don't want to go? Why not?"
Me-:"Remember the scene in Gremlins when they stuff the one in the microwave and it explodes?"
Walsh-:"No, but say I do."
Me-:"That would be me crossing from Canada to the states. Besides, isn't there like a civil war or something happening down there? Practically anyways?"
Walsh-:"No. I don't think it's that bad yet?"
Me-:"There is no point in going. I'm not into the event or the people doing the convention. I find sitting in a car for 6 hours dreadful. Their big plan is to stay at a casino the weekend. If I wanted to hang in a casino, I'd go across town to the one we have here. It's a boring plan. To me, it's boring."
Walsh-:"Wow, you actually sound angry." he made himself a cup of coffee before sitting at the kitchen table.
Me-:"It just sucks. I haven't been anywhere in years, and that's my only option right now. Something that I have no say in if I go. And if I don't go, then I loose out on any invites with the group later on. Just a no win situation."
Walsh-:"I'd go if I was you."
Me-:"You know how I feel about the states. Leaves a bad taste in my throat." He halfway laughed nearly choking on his coffee. "I didn't mean it that way."