Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dec 3rd 2013

Caught up with last night's wrestling, there Mr. Scratchy, Herman.  It was decent enough.   Liked the promo the Pack had, I miss seeing those. Shame they stopped posting them on the website...but anyways...

Dimmer needs a haircut. There I said it.  Rebel without a Cause needs to chop down that beard too, he's the only Pack member that is starting to look...like well something out of the fairy tale I'm writing.

My cousin Walsh dropped in for a few minutes earlier, dropped off a dvd he'd borrowed while back. Asked me if I had seen the turkey skits. No idea what he was talking about at first, then he pulled up the website and showed me.

Walsh-:"It's under the Pack heading when you search for them on the site. No idea why?"

We watched the first segment, and I pointed at the computer with my coffee cup, luckily it was nearly empty this time.

Me-:"Most likely because that's Mad Hatter." 

Walsh-:"What? In the turkey suit?"

Me-:"Who knows? The voice box thingie. That's Mad Hatter."

He looked at me like I had just told him he'd be turning into a tree at midnight. "And what makes you think that?"

Me-:"Listen to it."  I made him rewind and listen again, then told him to go to the promo from last March and to listen to it. "Tell me you didn't catch that?"

Walsh-:"The voice could be anyone, what makes you so sure...okay yeah maybe."

Me-:"That promo from March, it's the promo that got me hooked on Mad Hatter. The one that inspired me to write the novel and the fairy tale, and the whole reason I started to crush on him. I think I've watched it like ten times now."

Walsh-:"Now you've just taken all the cool out of it for me. Now every time I see the Mad Hatter, he'll be some goof."

Me-:"Join the club. If you hadn't of shown me that old youtube of his from his indie days, I'd never have seen him in that light either. So blame yourself there bud."

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