Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Through the looking glass

In the second Sex and the City movie, Carrie and Big are feeling the pressure to be more then they are. This leads to Carrie running away a few times in the film. One of those times, she has a chat with the butler at her hotel who tells her about how he and his wife have to live apart for work for most of the year.
In the movie it works to bring them together more when they do share time.

I've never seen that work in real life.   My dad worked out of town 10 months a year, 11 months some years.  My parents split up back in 1997, and this was one major reason.
One of my uncles had a job, still does actually; that keeps him on the road 6 days a week. Its the biggest reason he and my aunt divorced back in 1989.

They say you end up with the same type of person as your parents.  One of my longest relationships was with a guy who was never home. 

I hated it. Swore I'd never get involved again with a guy who had such mad hours.

Two years later I got involved with another guy who worked hours that kept him everywhere but at home.  And the few relationships after that were with guys in the US that I'd met online. Seeing each other was impossible at the best of times.

I think I found a pattern here.

There is a rule in the law of attraction/manifestation that says what you do not want the most you will bring into your life.  This is because we think about it without realizing it. 
For years, because I declared how much I did not want that type of relationship, because of the amount of energy I put into thinking about how bad it would be for me, I created it.

I've learned the hard way what it is that I want to bring towards me in my next relationship. 

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