Friday, December 14, 2012

12:23am Friday

I am unnerved at that moment.  I'd like to blame it on the last two cups of coffee, but I know full well that's not it.
Herman, I hope you're out there tonight.
You know how when everything is going well, then something small happens that upsets the whole machine.  It's one of those weeks.  Oh, and my sister quit her job. 

You know what the number one cause of relationship problems is?  Money.  So of course, Sister is totally wiped right now, and my Brother in Law is being a jerk. I don't blame my sister for quitting, her boss was a arse and one of her coworkers was doing everything in her power to make my sister's life hell.

Two hours ago I was feeling really great.  Now, I just want to curl up with a container of mint chocolate ice cream.  Only, I don't have any.  And my problems are not connected to my sister's. Other then it's all I've heard about in the last 12 hours. My problems this week stem from other things.

But on the bright side, Mr. Scratchy, it's the weekend. And, my cousin had me half believing earlier that something I wrote had been the prompt behind something he saw on tv.  For Company #1.  I don't know if it was or not this time around, but the idea that the industry is still paying some attention made me feel good.

Okay Mr. Scratchy, hope you're night has been a good one.

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