Monday, April 16, 2012

You've got male-Stranglehold

As I was checking my emails this morning, I saw I had received a stack of messages from a dating site. One I didn't remember ever being part of.  Ends up, it's a spin off site from one of the other ones I had been part of few years ago. 
When I read the messages, of which there were four, I saw they were all from the same guy. No photo of course. 
He seemed really eager to let me know that he's a local guy and  a part time wrestler.  My gut told me to just pass.

No photo is always a red flag.   Bigger red flag, why would he tell me that he's a wrestler? 
I have to guess that he must already know who I am.  And if that's the case, why send me a message that way? 

The other question I've been asking myself all morning is why is it only men without photos seem to send me messages?  What are they hiding?

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