Tuesday, October 2, 2012

post-it Oct 2nd 2012

Ah, Mr. Scratchy, Herman; what ya been up to?
I've had nothing to talk about. Hence the silence on here all weekend. Next weekend is the long weekend here, Canadian Thanksgiving.  I plan to be bored.

I also plan on trying to watch at lest half of the Sex and the City marathon that is going to be on tv on the weekend.   See if I learn anything new about myself.

Okay Herman, I think you're sitting there tonight, wondering why I abandoned you, which of course I have not; dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a grey tee shirt maybe your dog is curled up beside you on the sofa, snoring and farting the way dogs do when they sleep, and I think that you've got the stereo on listening to your buddy's band.
I also believe Herman, that you either rented or bought Dark Shadows today just because you knew I'd be catching it today. Come on, admit it, you've got a crush on Johnny Depp. Everyone does, he rocks. Literally.

I have a feeling Mr. Scratchy, that things are heading for a big change in the next little while. I can't put my finger on what, just that something is up.
Maybe I'll actually find some happiness?

Anyways, Mr. S. don't forget to rinse out your tea cup otherwise they stain and you have to use steelwool to clean them.

Smiling yet?  Halloween's only a few weeks away.

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