Thursday, February 14, 2013

2013 Valentine's

My plan was to read or bury myself in a movie marathon or something today.  But that didn't happen because of the noise from PartyGirl downstairs and her guy.  It's been one of those mornings when there is nothing anyone else in the building can do but blast our stereos. 

Many people think this is just a holiday created by card and flower companies.  Sort of not true. Sort of true.  It's become known in the last 50 years or so as a paper holiday.  But, as a practicing ... witch (I hate that term but saying "practicing person who believes in a bunch of different things that no one can really hold in their hand" doesn't roll off the tongue) I've come across many folklores and myths about holidays in general.  And one that I always found interesting was how in certain places, on or around this time of year villagers would put their names into a collection and randomly draw one.  These were fertility rites.  You got to spend some time with the person who's name you picked.

 It's how I think the giving of Valentine's Day cards actually started. Specially those of us who remember being in grade school and having to buy valentines for the whole class and give them secretly by those art project Valentine boxes. 

This is me, wishing everyone a day of love.

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