Friday, February 15, 2013

Meanwhile, in a chat across the internet

Few nights ago, I talked about how I was feeling old because of a chat online with some people on a website.  Well, I found myself talking to another few people on the same social site, about wrestling.  I'm wondering why I get myself into situations like this?

Most of the people were complaining about the Pack, in company #1 and how they've been so called, mistreating their favourite wrestlers.
It got my shackles up after awhile.  I wanted  to type that "those are my boys".   But I don't have any solid proof that they were "created" because of something I blogged about. (ah to be those boys puppet master pulling their...strings. Well they're hot, even the Pack member I've complained about is nice to watch...great ass!)

Anyways, I have to admit, I've been less then silent about my own personal views on the Pack, the last month or so, but tonight I found myself defending the choice of these guys, their individual skills  and their place in the storylines. 
What it comes down to is that you're only as good as the guy you are working against.  It wouldn't matter how skilled or talented a wrestler you are if your opponent is no good or careless.  Timing has to be right, the trust has to be there that they are going to do their best not to screw up the moves, etc. 
All this fell on deaf ears.  The people I was talking to were stuck on the fact that since the Pack has been on the show, their favourites have been loosing.

Well, boohoo.  No one can have a perfect wrestling record. That would be boring. And in the grand scheme of things, every hero needs to loose part of the quest in order for the rest to matter.

Ah, the hero.  That's something that can hold a different meaning to each person.  To me, a hero is someone who follows their heart no matter how out there it seems to others, someone who is honest and loyal.  Not always the popular vote on things, sometimes not even the one who does the right thing.  Take the tv show Once Upon A Time for instance, I think the characters of the Queen/Regina and Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold are just as much heroes as Snow White and Charming are. They don't always do the "right thing"  but they tend to do what they do for the "right reasons". (usually love lost)

I suddenly feel a Sex and the City style conclusion coming on... On nights like this, I just had to wonder, are we in this to win this or just to be in it; and if it is just to be in it, how do we know we won, or for that matter what side we're truly on?

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