Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Return of G-Babbs

There was a knock at mom's door few hours ago.  Five minutes after mom had gone out to check the mail. G-Babbs had been in the lobby talking to her for a few minutes and found out I was stuck on the sofa.

G-Babbs-: "What the hell did you do now?" 

Me-: "Fell, destroyed my knee. How are you?"

G-Babbs-:"Fine, just great. You look like your in pain. How long before you up and moving again?"

Me-:"Couple of months actually."   I was wondering what the attitude was about?

G-Babbs-:"Your boy was wandering around the area few times.  Think he's looking for you." 

It took me a few minutes to realize she was talking about Storm. I didn't even know that G-Babbs had seen Storm and me few weeks ago when he walked me to mom's.

Me-:"Interesting. Did you talk to him?"

G-Babbs-:"Just hi. Nothing else, why hasn't he called yet?"

Me-: "No. Don't even think he's realized I haven't been around in over two weeks. Guess I didn't matter too much to him in the end."

G-Babbs waved her arm around making a face before laughing. "Well, you're not too bad looking a girl, you've got plenty of chances still. F**K him you deserve better. Go get yourself a doctor."

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