Saturday, September 24, 2011


My phone rang last night with a number I didn't know.   Normally I wouldn't answer it, but I'd just bumped into Storm a few minutes before at the grocery and was hoping it was him. 

It was not.  
It was a family member I have never even met and he was informing me that he's getting married.  I was more then upset that my mother handed out my phone number and then lied to me about it, but that's another thing for another time.

Ironically, the themes on all the shows/movies I've seen this week have been weddings.  One mistake I made was watching an episode of Charmed with mother. It was about weddings and Handfastings.   My mistake was not the actual show but the comment I made without thinking about how Handfastings are older traditions then religious weddings. 

Trust me when I say it started a small riot from my mother who holds a legal church wedding as the highest form of status.

People seem to forget that before there were these big fat weddings, or even justice of the piece or anything of the like; there were unions done simply by deciding to be committed to each other.  Handfastings, being older then other social identifying "weddings" {jumping the broom is as old} may not be legal in some places, but still as binding; maybe even more so as it's seen as a spiritual commitment.

I am mentioning all this because the whole issue is still a buzz in my family tonight.  I can't seem to escape it.   And no I am not going to his wedding.

I believe in marriage, not so much on big fat weddings.

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