Sunday, November 4, 2012

Random Sunday afternoon Nov 4

Munsters Go Home!   is on tv.  Not the best of the Munster's movies, but cute none the less.

There is something about my family, and the people around us (ie sister's friends, people we grew up with etc) that just naturally expects every woman to date/marry a man older.  Why is that?

One of my uncles was going on about it earlier and when I asked why he thought that dating a younger man was a bad thing, he said it had to do with evolution.

That's bullshit. 

I know back in the day of Jane Austen, men did not even consider getting married till they were at lest 30 years old, unless they had money.  Even then, they were encouraged to marry very young girls.  They were expected to have made their wealth before they could marry.

But now?  Now, it is encouraged in the last five or so years for a woman to be the one with all the wealth. 
But that's not what my topic today is.  Today my topic is that my family believes you are lowering yourself if you are a woman who marries or gets involved with a younger man.  Money or not.

No one has a real answer for me either.  I just get told "it's just the way it's done"  and "it's just the evolution of it"  and "it means he's smart."   really? you're giving me that as an answer?

All I know is that my whole life I've liked younger men.  I've dated guys who were only a year younger, and guys who are up to nine years younger.  

Okay, back to my Munsters movie

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