Thursday, November 29, 2012

Did SATC teach us wrong?

If you watched the show Sex and the City like millions over the years, or been following some of the posts on here where I've talked about episodes, you know that the characters ranged from subtle to over the top in their ways of dealing with love. romance and sex.

Whether taking the advice humourously or seriously, (and you know I sometimes did both) I can't help but wonder;  was the advice women decoded from it bad for us?

If you've watched even one episode, then you know that the characters were an over exaggeration - most of the time- of how people react to things. We all go through these times of panic and fear that things aren't working out right.
Hell, I made a name for myself doing it.  But the show did it with such a degree of satire that on the surface it looked normal.  And to some maybe it is?

With the new show Carrie Diaries about a month away, I thought I would start to give some attention to the original show (may add the books and movies, may not haven't decided yet)

So over the course of the next while (basically between now and the debut of Carrie Diaries) I thought I would talk about some of the episodes.  Consider it a movie review of the episodes (yeah that really made more sense in my brain but I can't word it any better right now)

So to kick it all off, in true Carrie Bradshaw style... I couldn't help but wonder, in a world that is all about self gratification instantly, is there room for improvement and are we willing to wait for it?

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