Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dirty Laundry 21

"Ever thought that Mr. Scratchy hasn't come forward because he knows when he does, he'll end up all over the blog?" my aunt said this afternoon as she sat having a cup of tea

 Me-:"Then that would make him a coward and he's holding up the ending."

 Aunt-:"the ending?"

 Me-:"The ending of this chapter in our lives and the ending of the blog. When there is a happy ending, there will be no need for the one blog anymore. Well, take it into a different direction anyways. I'm finding it hard to believe in a happy ending now anyways. This has just dragged on for so long. I just want to know so I can move on with my life."

Aunt-:"Then what will you do? And what if he's not who you think he is?"

Me-:"Things are starting to lean towards it being someone other then the popular thought. I really believed he was The Celebrity, you know."

Aunt-:"And now you really believe it's not? Really?"

Me-:"This has been going on for the last few years. But yeah, I really believed it was up till yesterday. And I checked the usual physical stuff in the beginning, you know. Changed soaps, changed laundry cleaner, didn't have any dry skin still don't. It wasn't a physical reason; the scratching. Then when it started happening at certain times of day on a schedule...anyways, I thought I figured it out back when I started to see evidence of the wrestlers reading my blog back few years ago. So who the hell is it?"

My aunt shrugged just saying what she always says "It's just not time yet. You'll know when you're suppose to know."  
She's a life coach, that's pretty much her mantra. 

I thought about that for a few minutes.  You know, I'm really upset over a bunch of issues right now, and this is just weighting me down. 
A buddy of my cousin's sent him a link to an article, which in turn he told me about.  
Which really narrows down who Mr. Scratchy is.  Or I should say eliminates who he's not.

I've been for the last few years, going on two things; the omens (right side of body itching means soulmate is thinking of you,  if your nose is itchy it means you have a secret admirer, my nose was only itchy for the first few days till I saw The Celebrity write something that was obviously connected to my writing; so that means I know who my admirer is or at lest know of them.) and my stats on all my blogs reading the hits corresponding to  Mr. Scratchy being in the U.S.

My cousin's buddy was talking about The Celebrity being in Japan for the last few months. Which means, he's not Mr. Scratchy. At lest, not currently.
So therefore, Mr. Scratchy you really have no reason for not having stepped out of the shadows. And you've played me, my readers and everyone else who's been part of the conversations.You've let everyone think you were someone you're not. You let me believe you were The Celebrity. 

Aunt-:"So what do you know for sure? And think about that before you answer. There's the logical truth and then there is the spiritual truth."

Me-:"I know nothing for sure. Someone in the wrestling industry who lives in the States. That's it. Someone who wanted me to believe they were The Celebrity. Which seems like a shitty thing to do."

Aunt-:"Well, like I said, when you're suppose to know, the universe will let you. Mr.Scratchy will appear like magick."

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