The first episode has a few things different from what would become the tradition of the show, for starters, it's one of the few times we see Carrie as a brunette. It also has multiple characters talking as if the 4th wall wasn't there. It also has Carrie's apartment over a coffee shop.
We open with Carrie talking about another writer she knows who falls for a banker. Much like Carrie and Mr. Big.
One of the first scenes of Carrie Bradshaw is through her window working on her laptop, and we get the question of the week, though it's actually a statement this time around Cupid has flown the co-op then Carrie asks "how the hell did we get into this mess?"
We then see one of Carrie's articles "Unmarried Women, Toxic Bachelors" (which is direct from the book and I'm guessing from the original column)
Then the rest of the women are introduced, and their core characters are established. This is where the idea of romance vs just sex, gets thrown onto the table. Which would become the biggest theme throughout the series.
An ex boyfriend of Carrie's shows up and Carrie makes a comment about having gotten into a dating pattern with him, 3 previous times, and then having a one night stand with him thinking she can handle the idea of just sex, but realizes that she needs to be in a relationship to feel comfortable with herself.
This would ironically mirror her relationship with Mr. Big throughout the series.
As she leaves his apartment, she bumps into Mr. Big, literally. Spilling her purse on the street.
Later, we see Mr. Big turn down Samantha, and Miranda choose the nice guy. While Charlotte is the one being turned down when her date makes a statement about having to have sex that night. He is then seen with Samantha.
The final scene is Carrie and Big in his car after he spots her walking home and offers her a ride. She turns to him and asks if he's ever been in love and he smiles giving what would become his classic line "absof***inglutely"
This episode is sort of the idea of nice vs jerks. The idea of opposites is shown in this first episode, half the male characters are wanting no strings and total control, half are not, same goes with the female characters, half of them don't want to compromise, and half of them are leaving everything up to the men.
Is the message here that deep down everyone is wanting the same thing, or that not enough communication is happening, and everyone is assuming stuff about the people around them?
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