A friend of Nura's once said to me that my magick was in my writing. I thought he was being cheeky, but now I have to wonder.
When I was a teenager and in my early twenties, I wrote the same guy all the time in my novels and poems and short stories.
One day he popped into my life. Right down to the brand of cigarettes he smoked. Just as if he had come out of the pages of my writing. That was my ex.
After him, I started to write a new hero. A guy who showed up in my life not too long afterward. Once again, it was as if the perfect man had been waiting to spring from the pages of my writing.
Since 2005, I've been writing about The Celebrity, The Other Guy, the DoubleStarr, and a bunch of wrestlers. They have been the centerpoints for all my lead characters.
If Nura and her friend are right, have I counteracted my own strength? Have I kept my next relationship from "popping off my page into my world" because I have stopped creating from my mind and have been creating around someone ? Or have I saved myself from another disaster of a relationship because of it?
If it's truly the thought that counts, can I get my Mr. Scratchy back?
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