Friday, October 28, 2011

Random Friday 10/28 2011

My brother in law's mom is in town and my sister is in hell.
Whenever she's around, my brother in law is like a two year old child hanging onto his mom's side.

What is it about families that drives us insane?  We are constantly in search of them. Does not matter if we are trying to build one with our mates, or if we fall naturally into them with our friends/co-workers, family is something everyone wants.

I'm no exception.  I keep waiting for the right people to fall into my life.  So far, it's all been crap.

If you've been reading this blog with any regularity then you know I spend my days at my mother's for a bounty of reasons.  One of those is her health is bad.
As much as I bitch about my mother and dislike-distrust the way things are with her; I have to admit when she goes I'll be lost.

I have been thinking about this a lot as of late.  My sister will have her husband and his kids, I will have no one.  Zero, none, totally by myself.

Damn, that is depressing. 

I can only keep the faith that the right guy will come into my life before that happens.

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