Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The one who got away

I came across an email from last year this time that I had forgotten about.
It was a horoscope reading I had done for the year.   In it, it talked about there being a man coming into my life in early January (2011) who would interfere with me getting together with the one I'm suppose to be with. It continued to say that I needed to avoid this man until middle of September (2011)

As I look back over things, I see that Storm started talking to me back in January and ironically, stopped talking to me middle of September.
Has my semi-crush on him destroyed my future? Did me putting energy into that whatever it was, take away from the energy I was suppose to be putting into finding Mr. Scratchy?

I may never know.
The really odd thing is, that type of horoscope reading is not something I would have normally forgotten.  It's the type of thing in the past I would have opened and read every single day and lived in total fear of meeting the wrong guy.

As far as life as the grocery goes,  Zane has gone off to university full time; I haven't seen him at the store at all in the last month.   Conrad hasn't been on shift either, I have no idea what happened to him. The Drama Queen, I bumped into her yesterday when she was on her break and I was coming back from the liquor store {I needed a cocktail} and her only topic was her husband having to work late.

Then there is Storm. 
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm still hurt about the fact he's ignoring me.   I have no idea what the situation is, but I'm wondering if maybe he's dating someone again?
And I'm still not sure I even really ever liked him. 

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