Thursday, June 23, 2011

Read my body

There was an article this week over on iVillage, all about a man's body language and what it means.  This only applies to the first meeting. 

Some of the items on the list were obvious, some were not.  For example, everyone will raise an eyebrow for a brief half a second. This seems to be a trait no one is truly aware they are doing, but pick up subtly from the other person.

Another on the list, is a man stroking his tie.  Now, the article has it as a preening characteristic.  I've always been told when a man touches his tie it's because he wants to draw your attention down because he's thinking of sex. 

Same thing maybe?

The one that threw me was when a man leans on the table, on his elbow.  They have it listed as wanting to get closer to you, where I have always taken that to mean the guy is bored out of his mind.

Just goes to show you, sometimes the human man is easy to understand and sometimes you get your signals crossed.

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