Saturday, June 25, 2011

Well that's fans for you

Oliver is a hairstylist. He's Italian and straight and married.

I bumped into him this afternoon.  He was at the gas station down the street when I was on my way to the coffee shop. I haven't seen him in almost a year.  He hadn't changed much, dark spiky hair, black shirt, black jeans. {sigh}
He said he'd been talking to Starbucks Dude the other week.  I'd actually forgotten they were friends. And he told me in the course of the conversation, that SD had sent him a few links to my blog.  As in this one that you are reading right now. 

He had two questions for me 1) Where's the hot sex on this thing?  and 2) What's that guy's problem? {meaning Mr. Scratchy}  ... okay he had a third question but that was about my hair...

To answer his first question - this is a public blog. I can only print things to a point. Even I have standards-
And to answer his second question - Don't know-

It's true, this blog has gone in a bit of a different direction then it originally started out, but that has a lot to do with the fact I'm not dating at the moment at all. 

Then he hugged me and asked me what my problem was. I was confused for a bit until he said he'd read the post about The Other Guy and my conversation with JTGG.   So here is yet another person who feels I should be wide open to the idea that TOG is the right guy. 

I'm starting to feel like it's a conspiracy. All of The Other Guy's fans are popping up, in such odd ways.
I'm sure that The Other Guy is finding this amusing. It seems everyone believes he should turn out to be some big knight in shinning armor or something even though he hasn't offered himself as one.

It seems, everyone has taken into account, my bad track record with picking men and have decided my choice {and for that matter The Other Guy's} is of little consequence.  Which is why I'm not even trying to date at the moment. 
I've decided, that the next man I get involved with will be because the man wanted to be involved with me. All my past involvements were started by me, and every one of them failed.  So, I figure, in order for one to work, it must be initiated by the man.

I fear this is about to turn into a rant so I will end the post for the night.

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