Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tidbits Sunday July 15th 2012

I just saw the new Marilyn Manson video (S)AINT  the explicit version. Though I'm not coming across a version that isn't.
And you might be wondering what would cause me to mention a video by one of the greatest known shock rockers on this blog, a blog about relationships and romance.  Well, because it's pretty much pornographic.  And I think it's brilliant. 

The video depicts the lead singer alone in a hotel room strung out on drugs and then flashes around to scenes of himself having sex then flashes back to him alone with the drugs.  At first glance you would think it's a straight up episode of rock stars being extreme rock stars.  Which I'm sure it is.  But it really put me in mind of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Basically, a drug induced fantasy.

The lyrics in the first few lines seem to be about a nasty break up. The downside to being on top of it all is that you have to deal with social climbers who will climb over you for the next big shinny.
Either an actual romantic break up or a business one, take your pick.

This is a man who's made his name for being morbid and grotesque and violent. There really wasn't anywhere else for him to go visually to top himself other then pornographic.  I don't think anyone else could have gotten away with making this video.

Back to the drug induced fantasy theory.  You get the impression that he's alone, when he just doesn't want to be alone.  The video just plays like it's all in his head.

I have been asked why, for a person who writes about sex, I never seem to actually write about sex?   It's because I write about romance and relationships.  This blog is about how people communicate and express themselves in their relationships, be it romantic or otherwise.
I find it ironic that I came across this video for the first time right after my mention of American Psycho yesterday.  A movie that pushed and blurred the lines between what is real and what is fantasy in both the extremes of violence and sex.
How rejection can make a person snap sometimes to the point of never being able to come back from it.

I suppose if I were to put one of my questions on to this post it would be to wonder how fragile the human heart really is?  And how much the ego and the desire for respect are really connected to the relationships we enter into?  How much they dictate how worthy we end up feeling at the end of the day?

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