Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The groupie syndrome

I once heard Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, say  "everyone is somebody's groupie"   (well read it on her blog once actually)  It's a quote I have used a few times  and one I pretty much live by. 

I was getting stuff for supper, and for once the store was nearly dead, and I spotted two girls no more then about 15 years old trekking through the grocery giggling like mad; looking for someone.  It's not difficult to figure out they were there for either  Conrad or Zane.
Honestly, I did not stick around to find out.  Both of whom were in the stock room in back. 

Jealousy would have been my first thought, but when it wasn't, I shocked myself.  What went through my mind first was defeat.  Second, they're so young.  Next was, I guess we make idiots of ourselves over men at any age. And last was, everyone has groupies.  Then there was some jealousy and a slight bitterness. 

Simply because, Conrad has been starting to pay some attention to me and Zane is forever pulling the staring -look away-stare-smile-look away-stare-walk past bumping into my shoulder-  thing that guys like to do. 
I know, it's like high school never ended.

The difference between myself and these girls is that they knocked on the door to the back room; and demanded attention, and that's something I'd never dream of doing.  It's just not in me to be that bold.

Teenaged groupies 1   - Me  0


  1. You have to grab the guy by the balls. Just walk up to him and give him your number.
