Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dirty Laundry 12

"Ever thought that maybe the poor guy has nothing to say right now?"  This was me around a mouthful of spinach chips last night.

Nura-: "No. I think that he's scared shitless. I also don't understand why you're not dating in the meantime.?"

Me-: "So I read this book right, two books actually.  The ones you sent me actually. And in it, there are stories true real life stories about people who when they stopped dating they found the right person for them.  It was like they said to the universe 'okay I'm ready for the real deal now no more musical chairs'. That's why I'm not dating. Which I've told you before."

Nura-: "No what you've said before was that you're too old for bad one night stands."

Me-: "Same thing."

Nura-:" Earnan wants to know how your Monster's Library is coming along?"  she said pushing up her glasses as her husband moved around the kitchen behind her.

I let out a sigh scratching at my right ear. "Fine. The project is going in all sorts of directions actually. I need to reign it back in a bit. I've got so many ideas because of it, been using this one sketchbook to keep it all.  Sort of becoming a side project of it's own."

Nura-: "OH oh.  I just got chills when you said that. You're so going to meet someone because of your Monster's Library."  she giggled and clapped her hands together. "Besides, Mr. Scratchy is still recovering."

Me-: "Okay where did that come from?"

Nura just shrugged at me pointing to the ceiling.  We talked then a bit about some of the new people that have been coming in for tarot readings with her, and she showed me a few of the new tarot decks she'd been given as gifts. Earnan waved at the webcam over Nura's shoulder as he kissed her hair informing us he was off to bed.

Nura-: "I think you're on the right track now. You're learning what you need to to move forward. It's his issues not yours right now."  she started to shuffle the one deck of tarots, a card flipping over her hand. "Ten of cups. Perfect means you're going to have a happy marriage."

Me-: "Yeah read the rest of the meaning."

She read the rest of the page of the instruction book she had open in front of her, trying to learn the new deck. "Um... it says you will have a prosperous marriage to your equal after the high tides have been waited out."

Me-: "See even the tarots are against me. I hate waiting."

Nura-:"The Ace of Swords"

Me-: "Usually means a champion. Courage."

Nura-: "Sounds like The Celebrity" she giggled "Hey yeah The Celebrity. I was going through some old emails and came across a link you'd sent me. It was a youtube of The Celebrity and The Other Guy from like a couple of years ago in the tee shirts that looked like they were melting.  I totally see what you mean by his smile. He swore too in that one."   Nura put her arms out imitating the particular interview that they'd done. "They beeped him when he said shit."

Me-: "He's a handful alright. Damn, now I'm going to have that image of him doing that interview stuck in my head all night."

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