Monday, July 25, 2011

The Widow Effect

My sister and I went to look at a house.  The lady selling it is 97 years old, and has lived alone since her husband died over 35 years ago.
She never remarried, never dated anyone else. 

My sister and I ended up having coffee afterwards, and talked about the house, if she thinks her husband is going to like it, if she thinks the kids will and then we sort of each commented on the idea of being alone in a house for that long.   35 years taking care of the place on her own.    35 years of being alone. 

I don't know if I could do that?  Not for that long anyways. 
Both our grandmothers lived over twenty years without dating after our grandfathers died.  Both widows who never remarried, never dated.  I know this for fact, as both my grandmothers ended up living with us after their husbands died. 

Is it a compliment to the men they married or just the programmed expectations of their generation?

35 years, that's a full lifetime. 

I felt like some sort of castle freak for the first while I was single.  Now, I'm comfortable, but the idea of going on the rest of my life alone is unthinkable to me. 
I'm all for taking time to adjust and take care of your own health/money/goals, but at some point you have to rejoin society.  Don't you?

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