Friday, July 8, 2011

Midafternoon's Scream

I was standing in line at the grocery, when BettyAnn, one of the ladies who lives in mother's building, got into line behind me.  She had a wrist brace on struggling with her groceries and her walker. So I waited.  Zane was standing few feet behind me at his checkout. He kept walking over a couple of steps then making little circles and back tracking. Now I know he wasn't just bored because he mans the self check out now, all four of them, and they were hopping with people.
As I was carrying BettyAnn's bags back for her, I bumped into Storm who was zipping around with customers. He did the walking backwards for a few minutes while talking before BettyAnn told him to do his job and get out of the way.
I ended up heading back to the Starbucks after I carried her stuff in and while I was sitting there with my iced-coffee, I saw Zane once again standing around.
Me, I took a seat in the tables area and just soaked up the air conditioning for a few minutes.  Zane on the other hand, started to do his little spinning-in-circles-few-feet-then-back-dance; this time towards the tables.

I just do not understand men? I want to say to you readers that Zane is on the edge of asking for my number, but this weirdness of his has been going on for months.

I was thinking of walking up to him and casually saying to him about not having enough groupies today for him to dazzle but I decided better.  As I do not think that would have gone over too well, in fact I think it might have gone over his head.

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