Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Morning

The Musician called me around 3am asking me if I wanted to go to Duluth.  I asked why?

Musician-: "You don't want to go because you don't have a passport?"

Me-: "I have a passport. You asked me about it before. But why would I want to go to the States?"

Musician- :"I don't know. Thought you might like to go. I'm going to the dells next week."

Me-: "Okay the what?"

Musician-: "The water slides in Wisconsin. You want to come with me?"

Me-: "God no. What time is it... you realize it's almost 3:25am?"

Musician-: "Just got back from the club. You weren't sleeping were you?"    

Ironically, I was not, I was having a horrible time with a battle of insomnia but he did not need to know that.

Musician-: "Have you been to the States before?"

Me-: "Million years ago, when I was a kid. Why?"

Musician- :"Do you want to go to Duluth?"

Me-: "No.  If I wanted to go to the States, I'd have gone to New York or Orlando by now for stuff."

Musician- :"Okay, oh well Ryan is here so I gotta go. But if you want to go to get your printer tomorrow, just give me a call and we can head over to walmart."

Why did I answer my phone?

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