Friday, July 29, 2011

Count your pennies

My Uncle is normally a man who babbles about nothing of importance, much like myself;  but keeps his rants to how bad Woody Allen films are. Yesterday, he got on a strange rant about how we should always marry with money. 

Uncle-: "Make sure you date someone with a job.  Don't get mixed up with someone who is unemployed cause then they're always asking to borrow money. Can I borrow $20, can I borrow $50. No, don't do it. Make sure they have a good job.  Make sure they have a J.O.B. Don't just live with them either. Make sure you know they have a job before you marry them."

Me-: "Um. Sure."

Uncle-:"What? Too, make sure you really get to know them.  You're sister was with this guy before he even got a legal divorce she's setting herself up for trouble. Big big trouble. He's got kids! Kids that cost money to raise. Just make sure you don't get involved with someone unless they are working."

Me-: "Well, single dads are like the only thing in this city that's out there. And even the ones who claim to be single I've learned the hard way never really are. They've all been guys who've lied about it.  Which is why I don't date local guys anymore."

Uncle- :"You see All My Children today? David got stabbed and Erica is in the nut house."

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