Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lower your profiles

Anyone else find that the world of dating has become something out of a sci-fi movie?  I get newsletters and articles and links to experts and etc constantly sent to me, and the trends for how to meet a date, in the last few years has become almost scary.
Everything is online now. There was a time when using any sort of online dating anything was considered the work of only extremely desperate and creepy people. Now it's the most normal and expected way to meet. I've heard more in the last five years from people that they met their husband/wife on a dating site or on facebook etc.
And it's no secret, I've done the dating site thing in the past, and blogged about it (elsewhere on the net, which is what gave me the idea to start this blog, too bad my timing was up in the dating world)  All the scary, silly, and retarded moments of that few years of my life.

The other thing I've really noticed is that flat out scare tactics that all the so called experts use to get your attention. All the articles and information I've seen over the last decade seem to be about getting back that cheating ex, or scaring you into believing they are a cheating ex. Making you believe that if you had just done this one thing different, they would never have left you. 
Maybe, maybe not.  Sometimes, there really is a few things you can do different in a relationship to improve it, and sometimes, that ex really is just an arse.

I'm sitting here today, my inbox overflowing with all of this type of stuff, trying to get me to panic because Valentine's Day is in 48hours and I'm alone. I can't be the only one feeling a bit more then just overwhelmed and shall I say bullied, by the rest of the online love world.

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