Thursday, February 13, 2014

I have that affect on dogs

I was on my way to the grocery earlier, the winds and snow picking up, so I was trying not to fall. And I see movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning, I spot this beautiful white husky that lives in the building next door. Most of the dogs in the neighbourhood are small things that can fit into your purse, so to see such a large and happy looking dog is always a bonus. Every time I pass by this guy's apartment lately, his dog is usually sitting just inside the door, nose pressed against the glass watching everyone pass by. This is the first time I've seen the dog outside on a leash.
It came up to me wagging it's tail, sniffing the contents of my purse, and the guy who owns it came out and yelled at me.

Guy-:"You feeding my dog?"


Guy-:"You're not giving it dog treats or bacon or anything are you?"

Me-:"No, why would I?"

He grabbed the end of the leash and tugged, poor dog went half way back towards him, then turned and came back as close to me as he could, sniffing.

Guy-:"You have to be doing something, because everyone else that passes by, he doesn't take notice of. Which he's not suppose to because he's a care dog, but I see you going past my living room window every day just about and the dog goes nuts. So if you're feeding him don't!"

A care dog. Which means he's been trained to be oblivious to everyone but his owner. Interesting.

Me-:"I'm not, I swear. But he's a really beautiful husky."

Guy-:"He's a husky/wolf mix. And stop petting him! You're going to undo his training then he'll be worthless." he pulled on the leash again dragging the dog back inside. "He's a working animal, stop treating him like a house pet."

I was trying to figure out what I might have had in my purse that was so interesting, but all I had was my wallet, keys and cellphone. Nothing that interesting. I continued on to the grocery, and on my way back, past by the guy's apartment again. The dog inside.

They say when you encounter certain animals, it's a sign/omen. Some of them are totem animals, some are animal guides. It's up to you to figure out why you encountered them and what they have to tell you. 
Dogs mean loyalty, community, and communication (as do wolves actually)  and healing. They are also connected to Mercury, transitions, and the underworld. (both Anubis and Hecate)

All I can say on this is that most dogs I encounter are friendly with me, I just have that affect on them.

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