Sunday, February 9, 2014


What happens when you're sleeping next to the wrong person?  When you know you've made a big mistake in your life but you can't get out of the relationship? Or you're too scared to be alone? 
It's the basis of 90% of the romance novels out there. The love triangle. Being involved with person A when your heart is firmly belonging to person B.

I've been sitting here the last couple of hours, my mind racing, unable to focus on much of anything, and decided to pick up a random book from the book shelf. Randomly opened it to a page and read the first line I saw.  It didn't help.

The part I landed on had been a line about a guy confessing how miserable he was because he waited too long to tell the woman he was in love with that he cared. 
I flipped through the book and randomly picked another page.  That was worse.  That one was a scene where the guy was laying in bed with one woman, hating her for keeping him away from the woman he really wanted to be with because she'd conned him into marrying her.


In real life, would anyone really put up with something like that?  To be kept from the one person you know you should be spending your life with?  No, probably not.  But in movies, books, tv shows, it's the baseline for any plot. And why is that?  What is it about bad relationships that seems to keep us coming back for more? Are we addicted to the drama, or is it something deeper in our natures?

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