Monday, August 29, 2011

Can I buy you a drink 2

Remember the other day how I was upset because I couldn't figure Storm out yet again... well...

I was coming out of the coffee shop, and as I crossed the parking lot, Mitch was coming in for work. At the same time, Storm was heading down the street towards the coffee shop on his way to work.  Spotting us, he waved and seemed like his normal happy self.

Me-: "I saw that new product. That coconut water.  What the hell is the difference to coconut milk?"

Storm-: "It's purer. Not as oily." 

He then went on to talk about the whole Tofu line in the produce area and the new products the store is carrying and how certain displays are mapped out and I stopped listening cause I was too busy staring at the construction workers down the street.

Storm-: "I lost your number I need you to give it to me again. Was going to call you last night and could not find it."   he fished a pen and a scrap of paper out of his pocket and had me write down my number again as he continued on about the store.  I butted in with a comment about the Tofu noodles he had suggested back few months ago and he agreed they were terrible.  "I was dating this girl who was a vegetarian and we had them a few times. Well, I guess I should go. My shift has already actually started. Just getting a coffee which I shouldn't but I 'm quitting smoking and it seems to be I'm craving coffee."

He winked at me as he headed into the coffee shop.   Mitch turned to me with a grin.

Mitch -: "I saw that and I saw your reaction when he said used to date. Okay take care I gotta get in myself."

Me-: "Yeah, catch you later Mitch."

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