Friday, August 5, 2011

Dirty Laundry 5

Mother's birthday today, and I picked up a cake on my way over.   Uncle and Aunt came over with their youngest.   I had my sports blog pulled up on the computer and had in mind to do a post when they showed up.  I never got the chance, but my Aunt was leaning in over my shoulder and pointed to a screen photo. 

"He's cute! I haven't seen him before have I?"

Me-: "That's the Double Starr. He was in the 3rd company for the last while. So I don't think you've seen him."

Aunt-: "Well he's hot. If I ever leave your Uncle I'm going to find a guy who looks like that."

Me-: "Yeah he's got a little bit of snakebite to him. Actually, he's got a lot of snakebite to him."

Aunt-: "His snake could bite me anytime. See now that is a man with some style." My Aunt slapped my shoulder gesturing towards the computer screen. "Much better then your skunked crackhead."

Me-: "What is it with you and crackheads?"

Aunt-: "You want a guy who looks like he just rolled out of bed on his way to the gutter then fine, keep him."  

Me-: "You saying he doesn't have style?  I actually think he looks normal." 

Aunt-: "I'm saying I like this one better."

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