Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Flaw of the Matter


They seem to be jumping out at me this week.   First, I got a sneak peak at Arielle Ford's new website Wabi Sabi Love,  then a horoscope that pointed out how not everyone will find the same thing sexy and that to many what we see as flaws they see as the qualities that attracted them to us, and finally the episode of Sex and the City called "Don't Ask Don't Tell" which deals with a metaphor of relationship flaws making the couple stronger by using a wooden bench as the symbol.

The universe is really hitting me over the head this week.  But, ironically, it wasn't until I was sitting in my mother's apartment this morning, flipping channels when I found a station that was showing SATC. It was 11:30am and the episode was extremely edited down.  Which given this was one of the ones from season 3 and had to do with one of the men being unable to get it up, was a thing to behold.  The tv station had edited out scenes, dialogue, and for time keeping only 20minutes of the normally 44minute episode and still getting the main point across.  It was this episode that just seemed to smack me upside the head and make everything else fall into place. 

Yes, talk about ironic.

Add to this fact that just this morning I had spent 45minutes trying to bleach out my hair which once again did nothing of what it was suppose to, and only made me about a shade and a half lighter a red then usual.  I was looking in the mirror feeling like my hair is one of my worst flaws. I want to be free to be platinum but the universe wants me red.
I also spent some time today hanging out on a website for a movie icon.  The whole time thinking I will never be able to measure up. 

Like I said, Flaws.  But you know, flaw-nt it if you've got it. {yes I know how to spell flaunt. I'm being cute here}

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