Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday March 24th 2014

Catching up on a few shows I missed on the weekend, sitting at mom's when I got a message from my cousin. "Do me a favour, tell Connie that she's too young to start a coven."

Me-:"Connie, you are too young to start a coven."

Walsh-:"Ha ha! Seriously, she's got it in her head that she wants to start a coven and I need you to talk to her."

Me-:"Okay. Tell her to call me or something."

Walsh-:"So, did you see the show on Friday?"

Me-:"Yes. Why?"

Walsh-:"You feeling any better then you were last week?"

Me-:"Sure. Why?"

Walsh-:"You were acting like the world was coming to an end or something."

Me-:"Well, sometimes it feels that way. Again, why?"

Walsh-:"Just asking. You watching tonight's show?"

Me-:"Yes, are you?"

Walsh-:"Yeah. House to myself. So, anything new?"

Me-:"Not really. Okay, you never ask unless you have something in mind. What's on your mind?"

Walsh-:"Nothing. Just noticed you haven't been blogging much the last week. Just wondering if anything was you know, up?"

I thought I was blogging normal, stupid me.  "No, nothing. What's going on on your end?"

Walsh-:"The usual."  He went silent for a bit, and I started watching tonight's wrestling. "We're going to the Toronto show next month."

Me-:"You and your wife?"

Walsh-:"Me and a few of the guys from work. Jealous yet?"

Me-:"Yes, you rat bastard."  Little pissed that they didn't invite me. Not that I could go, but still would have been nice to be invited.

Walsh-:"Did you catch the video on the website from Friday's show?" 

Me-:"Could you vague that up for me?"   He sent me the link to the exclusives page from Friday's show, told me to just let it run and pay attention to the second video.  "What am I paying attention too?"

Walsh-:"Mad Hatter's pants. I'm surprised I have to point it out to you. Ha ha!" 

They were undone. I don't even want to know.

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