Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31st post it

Dear Mr. Scratchy, Herman.

Having coffee, sun hasn't yet broken the skyline here, trees swaying in front of the windows, and a few scattered birds making noise. I like mornings like this.
It's a Monday, end of March, and I just read this thing on the Llewellyn (books and tarots) website that says "the borrowed days of March" about how originally March only had 28 days like February had, but for whatever reason, they "borrowed" the other three days from the month of April. Now that's something I've never heard before, and I've heard a lot of myths/wives tales/etc.
The second I read that, I thought it was the type of tidbit you'd get a giggle and raised eyebrow from. You and your buddy who's reading this over your shoulder while you fill up the gas tank at some strange station in the middle of nowhere...if you're driving to your next destination that is.


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