Saturday, March 29, 2014

You've been hexed

Hexed.  When we hear that word, we think a curse put on some poor unfortunate soul by an evil witch from a bad movie. We never think about someone in our lives that just have general bad intentions.

I was getting mom's mail for her this morning, and I bumped into Tarot Lady and one of her psychic friends. We were chatting for a few moments about the weather and how it's been causing the Tarot Lady really horrible back pain, and in the middle of her saying this, her friend leaned over with both hands in front of my face and said "You've been hexed."


Psychic-:"You're chakras are really and I mean really out of alignment. In fact this one you suffer from many headaches?"

Me-:"All the time, since I was a kid."

She nodded putting her left palm on the top of my skull then on the back of my neck. "You've got a lot of rage around you, and not all of it is yours. Someone in your life currently disapproves of something important to you. It's them, they cursed you."

Me-:"That could be anyone."  I just stood there for another moment feeling stupid while she put her hand then by my right temple.

Psychic-:"This has been going on for years. Whom ever it is, they're jealous. Can you think of anyone who might be jealous of your success, at work maybe?"  I told her I don't really have a work, without giving details. "That's a big part of the vibe I'm getting. But there's something else too..." she made a face like she'd been kicked, sort of half stepping back then righted herself again, her hand still hovering around my shoulders and skull. "Is your current relationship with someone your family disapproves of?"

Me-:"No current relationship at the moment."

She shook her head again, blinking then nodded. "Currently. There's that word again. I had another client yesterday who was in a similar situation. They had a massive blockage in their relationship sector when I did their charts. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told them. Time is not linear. You're in a relationship all the time, it's just not made aware to you. Start getting used to the idea that you are 'currently' in one, that should get rid of a good chunk of the bad energy I'm sensing. The rest of it...there is someone who's sabotaging you every time you start to improve things. They can't have happiness so they are sucking all the positive energy from you. Sound like anyone you can think of?"

And this is the weird part. Both myself and the Tarot Lady said at the same time "My mom."  The Psychic friend there, blinked, looked at Tarot Lady then at me, then nodded again. Her hands back hovering at my neck and throat.

Me-:"Pretty much my whole family."

Psychic-:"You need to separate yourself from them or you'll never be rid of this bad energy. Never get rid of the headaches, never be able to be fully happy"

This is the second time in a year, that someone I've never met before, has told me my love life is blocked.

Psychic-:"Who's John?"

Tarot Lady tilted her head and started to laugh, leaned over and said that Timothy had seen a Johnathan too when he did my cards.  I just stood there mouth open catching flies.

Psychic-:"Be on a lookout for this John fellow. If Timothy saw him in your future, count on it. I've never known him to ever be wrong."

I was standing there sort of dumbfounded for a long few seconds, before finally walking back to mom's apartment.

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