Monday, April 28, 2014

post it Monday 28th 2014

I'd like to believe that you still read these Mr. Scratchy, so here goes...

I imagine you checking in tonight, a drink in hand, whiskey I think. Dressed in grey pajama bottoms...actually I think they are sweat pants, grey sweat pants, a hoodie thrown over for the moment, in dark blue, having just washed your hair. I imagine you are restless right now. Having worked tonight, and unable to get to the gym for any kind of late workout, maybe in a place that you don't feel comfortable taking a night run. I imagine you reading this, downing your drink, pouring another one, and thinking "at lest you didn't smash into any big moose the other day".  And now I think you're laughing, spilling your drink on yourself.
I imagine Herman, that you might even be listening to your latest playlist which now includes "Put your head on my shoulder", "I put a spell on you" and "Johnny Angel".

So here's the thing, from about 9:12 pm EST tonight, my ear started to burn, up until the Pack did their live promo at about 10:50pm. And it's started back up again with the burning in the last five minutes. (11:50pm EST)
I'm hoping it's all good stuff.

Anyways... tell the Pack I loved their live promo tonight. All shadows and walls.

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