Saturday, April 12, 2014

Post it note 12th april

Dear Herman:

I imagine you and your buddies still checking in to my stuff, so here goes.

I imagine you checking in tonight, hat on, cable knit style sweater, in grey of course, dark jeans on. An extra large coffee in hand, listening to music. I imagine you swinging a keychain around, just for the jingling sound. You're wondering what's up with the fairy tale? Well, I've hit another wall...for the moment anyways. I just can't get the image of those two characters out of my head, constantly arguing but in a flirty way. If only real life could be as simple. Maybe not as violent, but as obvious.

And I think your one buddy is leaning over your shoulder right now, reading, a raised eyebrow as he laughs. And I think he's dressed in jeans that have a honking tear in them around the knee area, a faded t-shirt from some band from like the 1970's, and is chewing on gum like a cow. Or you know...big moose.

Big moose. Catch phrase of the week. Big moose.

Smile...cause I asked you to. Both of you.

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