Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pop quiz

Bumped into one of the ladies who lives upstairs from mom as I was bringing in her mail. The lady's granddaughter was with her, reading a teen magazine. I didn't even know they still made those in print, I thought they died out years ago. Anyways, the kid was not much more then about 12, and just going on and on about wanting to see the new Zac Efron movie. Which, it seems, is not suitable for kids, but anyways.
The kid asked me who my favourite movie star was? I didn't have an answer for her cause I don't really have a favourite...Johnny Depp I guess?
The kid laughed waved the magazine and said "No, who's your crush?" Then started listing off a bunch of famous guys she likes. None of which I've heard of.

The answer should have been easy, but as I was about to open my mouth, I stopped. Had to think.
It was a case of "hang on, I know this's a wrestler..." That's what was going through my mind. Only, I couldn't make up my mind and the kid was you know, a kid which mean she had the attention span of a fly and was starting to look at me like what was about to fall out of my mouth would be the key to something.

"I can't choose. I like four guys right now."

That wasn't a good enough answer it would seem. The kid huffed, rolled her eyes, and told me to pick.  Really? I can't end the conversation there?  Meanwhile, the lady from mom's building was laughing and going on about how her granddaughter just had her first school dance.  And the kid flipped through the magazine, showing me a photo of some dude with his hair in his face, that she said the guy she danced with looked like.  I had no idea who the boy in the magazine was, so I just nodded and smiled like a moron.

Kid-:"So... who's your crush?"

Me-:"Seriously, can't choose. There's Dimmer, Mad Hatter, Rebel without a Cause and Grave Digger."  She looked at me with this confused look on her face. "Wrestlers."

She screwed up her face at me. "Never watch it."  She huffed again. "You can only have one." 

Me-:"Mad Hatter."

Kid-:"I still don't know who that is?"

I walked away from this odd conversation confused, and feeling really ancient given I had no idea who anyone was, the kid was talking about. And asking myself, "why can I only have one?"
Seems a little unfair in the grand scheme of things. I'm not talking about a guy whom I'm dating or anything, so why only one?
There are multiple qualities I like in all the wrestlers I listed, so who stamped the rule book with one crush per famous person per person?

I think I just got slammed by a 12 year old.

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