Friday, April 11, 2014

Numb at heart

So according to this planetary-numerology thingie I had done today at the psychic fair- yes, I went back and tried again- because of Venus being retrograde at the time of my birth and Pluto being in some pinball like square with Uranus and Venus, I'm destined to be alone. Add to this, that Mars and Neptune are in opposition, and my 5th cusp is in Aquarius, I have a very strong male energy.

Gee, I could have told you all that.

This thing also tells me that not only will long term relationships be impossible to find, I'm suppose to be a teacher.

What the hell? Did my mother pay the dude off to tell me this? Her dream was for me to be a teacher and marry a minister. 

Actually, this whole reading I had done, is interesting. It has about 75%  that seems to fit my overall situation. Which brings me back to something I wrote the other week about how astrology and relationships do carry some weight.

So our personality really is predestined.  When I gave the astrologer my name and birthdate, he clicked his tongue, and asked me if my last name was my maiden name or married name? When I said I have never been married, he made another noise and then laughed. "Well, please don't get angry, but I suggest you legally change your last name if you want to be successful, in anything. Cause the numerology connected to your last name is like a big black cloud."

This is actually the second time in ten years I've had someone tell me that just with a quick glance at my last name.  Damn. I really am cursed.

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