Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Post-it with a hug

Herman, Mr. Scratchy, how are you tonight?

I think Herman, that you are checking into this scratching, scratching like a maniac. I would love to say that I'm totally done asking who you are, but we both know at some point I'll just end up bringing the topic up again, so... anyways...

I imagine you checking in tonight, a beer in hand, crunching on something, maybe beer-battered peanuts? I think you have a day's worth of facial scruff and you're debating if you should shave.

These notes were always meant to let you know I appreciate that you are out there, somewhere. A way to connect.  But trying to figure out who you are, has really gotten in the way. 
You're out there, alive, all that matters.

Okay Herman, Mr. Scratchy, I'll keep it simple tonight, and say I hope that if you wrestled tonight, you stayed safe, and if you're traveling instead, stay safe.

Sweet dreams Mr. Scratchy.

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