Saturday, April 27, 2013

Post-it for Herman

Mr. Scratchy, Herman, it's late.
For me, it's late. I would assume that if you're reading this right about now, just after 2am, it's most likely normal time for you.  Can't sleep. Was thinking, which is really never a good thing for me. I over think everything.

I don't know why I feel the need most nights now to leave you some sort of note?  But I do.  Even when I have nothing to really say, I just believe I need to leave you a post-it.

I keep saying lately, I think you're one of four. I'm not even really sure of that anymore?  Some days I think you're one of seven, other days I think you're one of one.  I'll make up my mind at some point I'm sure.
I'm sure you'd love to know who the four are at the moment?  Or maybe you've already figured that part out?  You know more then me at the moment.

At the moment, at the moment, at the moment.  Becoming my catch phrase.

Okay Herman, my insomnia babble fest is even grating on my nerves so, I'll wrap this up for the night.

I imagine you reading this, maybe laying in bed, one arm behind your head, letting out a deep sigh as you wonder for a change what I'd be like while writing this?   One of these days, you'll give in to your will to be weird and say hi.  And when you do, I guess I'll find out everything I need to know. Until then, I hope you have a relaxing night.

As always Mr. Scratchy, I hope I brought a smile to your face.

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