Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Morning memos

Woke up to see a message from Cheryl, talking about how she had gone out last night with a new guy she met over the weekend, and how they ended up at the same bar as her real life Berger.  Her Berger, got upset, bordering on jealous.

I find that interesting given she told me he's been avoiding her for the last week and a half.

What is it with some men?  I've seen it happen way too often, you seem to want us when you can't have us, and then don't seem to when you can.   Is there a switch that can be flicked in your brains to correct this? 

You know, I've said it before and I'll say it till I'm really old, and given I plan to live to be 200 that's a lot of  years still, relationships are suppose to get easier the older we get but it seems to be the opposite. They seem to get more confusing, less mature and more emotional, more messy. 

There is a line in one episode of SATC, where Carrie gets a second chance with an old boyfriend, and says "Did we have it right the first time."  (or something close to that, I'm not home can't check my DVDs for the exact quote) meaning, that teenaged gut response to lust/love/desire might be the more honest readings we get of people. The more innocent self, the more child-like/childish part of us ruled by crazy changing hormones and not years of wisdom and logic, might just be the right way to follow our hearts.

I know I've let my head rule my decisions about romantic issues way too many times, and look what I've got to show for it.  Hard to believe given the way I talk, but it's true. I've over analyzed things so much, I no longer know a gut reaction from a math equation.
Which is why, I'm sure, Mr. Scratchy has been reading me for years staring me in the face and me just not clicking as to whom he is. And he's laughing all the way in the corner of the room dipped in shadows, waiting.

Okay wrapping this up, in true SATC fashion... on a morning like this I just couldn't help but wonder, when it comes to love and trusting our guts, have we lost our edge?

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