Monday, April 29, 2013

Tea Time continued

I got a message from my cousin Walsh few minutes ago.  "Are you watching the show?"

Me-:"Reason I stayed at mom's for the evening. He didn't say it."

Walsh-:"He didn't say it yet."

Me-:"He didn't say it. The deal was, if Mad Hatter did not say it on the live show tonight, therefore admitting to being Mr. Scratchy, you would drop the idea. He did not say it."

Walsh-:"Show's not over. They have another segment."

Me-:"You're cracked you know that?"

Walsh-:"Maybe he wasn't allowed to say it? Maybe the script was you know, air tight?"

Me-:"I love you for this, but it's time to drop it."

Walsh-:"I still believe it's Mad Hatter."

Me-:"Well, he didn't say it." I said scratching the right side of my body to bits.   Huh, Mr. Scratchy that's not fair. You sitting there in the shadows, knowing what you know.


  1. Did you see the hat! The hat was your message! There was a hat sent to one of the Divas with a message from a secret admirer.
